Please read the following terms and conditions. By enrolling onto or renewing a course of swimming lessons with Swimmers Corner, you accept and agree to abide by them.
Swimmer’s Corner accepts payment in cash or via bank transfer.
Payment for both group and private lessons: The fee is paid up front for the whole school term when booking in and pro rata for those joining during the term.
If you wish for your child to join our Swim School, we ask for you to register and pay within 48 hours from when the swimming lesson offer has been made. After 48 hours we cannot guarantee that your space will be available.
Swimmer’s Corner offer3 type of lessons:
1) Group lessons (Max 4 per class)
2) One to two sessions
3) One-to-one sessions.
Only choice 3 is available for adults.
Refunds and Cancellations:
Swimmer’s Corner are unable to refund once payment has been received. This includes any missed lessons throughout the term due to illness/family events.
If we have to cancel lessons due to circumstances beyond our control, we will endeavour to reschedule these lessons, however if we are unable to do so we will credit you with the number of sessions missed, to be used against future lessons.
Swimmer’s Corner run our lessons in accordance with the Francis Holland School term dates with breaks for all the school holidays and bank holidays. The swim school will also close during exam periods each year and adults/parents will be notified of any closure dates once confirmed by Francis Holland School. In most cases an alternative pool will be available during closed periods and adults/parents will be notified prior to any swim school planned closures.
Changes to Class/Day/Time:
Swimmer’s Corner reserve the right to change the teacher if required. If the day or time of your swimming lesson needs to be changed, we will contact you to discuss options.
Should you need to change lesson time/day at the end or part way through your block booking, we will try to accommodate your request but cannot guarantee this.
Lost Property:
All property left in the changing rooms or on poolside as well as outside of the pool building (e.g. prams) is left at your own risk. Swimmer’s Corner cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal possessions.
Excluding lesson time, Swimmer’s Corner accepts no responsibility for accident or damage to any client, person, equipment or vehicle owned by anyone connected with these lessons whilst on the site used by Swimmer’s Corner swim school.
Swimmers should not swim if they have an open wound, any infectious disease, cough, cold, ear infection, head lice or for 48 hours after the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.
The swim school must be informed of any changes to existing or new medical conditions for all swimmers so that their teacher can be made aware and fully prepared.
Pool / Poolside and Site Health & Safety:
Before entering the poolside, all shoes must be removed, and shoe covers worn.
No outdoor footwear or prams are to be taken onto the poolside or into the changing rooms.
Swimmers Corner takes responsibility for swimmers during their lesson time in the water only. Swimmers Corner does not accept responsibility for swimmers if they leave the pool for any reason during their lesson, e.g. to visit the toilet.
Please note that Swimmers Corner does not accept any responsibility for the safety and well-being of any adult or child spectators whilst they are on site.
All swimmers are required to wear a swimming hat.
All new swimmers will receive a free Swimmer’s Corner swimming hat. Additional hats are also available to purchase on poolside. We ask that swimmers do not wear any jewellery at their lessons for health & safety reasons.
To protect your child from suffering stomach cramps/sickness whilst in the water, it is essential that all swimmers finish their meal at least 1½ hours before their session or 45 minutes before for a light snack (i.e. a drink and a biscuit).
Spectators and swimmers should refrain from running whilst onsite. Please note that no outdoor shoes, food, drinks, glass or talcum powder are allowed on poolside or in the changing rooms. Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the venue. Climbing, standing and playing on equipment/ benches poolside or in changing rooms is strictly forbidden.
We ask that Parents/Guardians remain on-site for the duration of their child’s swimming lesson (not applicable to adult swimmers), and refrain from wandering around the school premises.
If necessary, Swimmer’s Corner reserves the right to ask anyone to leave the poolside at any time.
When approaching/leaving the school please drive with extreme caution as there are many adults and children moving around at different times. Please also be aware that parking is at your owner’s risk.
Changes to Terms & Conditions:
Over the course of your time with us we may need to update our Terms and Conditions. We will email you with any amendments or updates to them. Our latest full Terms and Conditions can be found on our website.
Data Protection:
All personal details provided to and kept by Swimmer’s Corner are for our administrative purposes only and will not be passed to any Third Parties apart from the Government COVID-19 Track and Trace Authority as requested. In line with the new General Data Protection Regulations, an individual’s personal details will remain on file for 36 months after discontinuing association with Swimmer’s Corner, at which point they will be deleted.
No photography or video footage to be taken before, during or after swimming lessons. Swimmer’s Corner may wish to take photographs and videos of individual and groups of swimmers under the age of 18 that may include your child during their time at Swimmer’s Corner. If your child is to be photographed, we will ask for your written consent before taking or using any photography or video footage for advertising purposes / social media.
Code of Conduct:
Swimmers Corner will not tolerate abuse of any kind to our staff and all parents/swimmers. All abuse witnessed will be reported to the local authorities.